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About Prawaas Excellence Awards

Apply for Nominations Now!

The Prawaas Excellence Awards aim to honor and celebrate excellence in the commercial passenger transport sector. This prestigious award, organized by the Bus & Car Operators Confederation of India (BOCI) is designed to recognize & felicitate remarkable achievements and innovation in various sectors of commercial passenger transport.

Time Lines

Nomination forms will be available by 31st July 2024
Submission of Expression of Interest 15th August 2024
Submission of Interest with Supporting documents 16th August 2024
First round of shortlisting 17th August 2024
Field Audit for shortlisted parties 20th August 2024
Announcement of Awards 30th August 2024

EXCELLENCE AWARDS CATEGORIES Categories 2024 Qualifying Criteria
1 Best School Bus Operator of the year Fleet Size Minimum 5 Buses
2 Best Employee Bus Operator of the year Fleet Size More than 20
3 Best Employee Taxi Operator of the year As available
4 Best Tourist Bus Operator of the year Fleet Size More than 20
5 Best Tourist Taxi Operator of the year As available
6 Best Technology Solution Provider of the year Minimum 3 Solution provider will be covered
7 Best Woman Bus/Car operator of the year To search and assess
8 Best STU Urban of the year Through Secondary research
9 Best STU Intercity of the year Through Secondary research
10 Best Bus/Car Association of the year From existing list of association
11 Best Special Purpose vehicle of the year To search and assess
12 Best Tourism Board of the year Through Secondary research
13 Special Award for Differently Abled Through Secondary research
14 Special Award for Electric Mobility Through Secondary research
15 Best Large Bus Operator of the year Fleet size 100 & More Buses
16 Best Medium Bus Operator of the year Fleet size 10 to 99 Buses
17 Best Small Bus Operator of the year Fleet size up to 10 Buses
18 Best Vendor Contractor of the year To search and assess
19 Best Private Stage Carrier of the year To search and assess
20 Best Online Travel Agent of the year To search and assess
21 Disruptor of the year Through Secondary research
22 Progressive Metro Service of the year Through Secondary research
23 Best Large car Operator of the year Fleet size 100 & More Cars
24 Best Medium Car Operator of the year Fleet size 10 to 99 Cars
25 Best Small Car Operator of the year Fleet size up to 10 Cars


While studying and filling the nomination form, we urge you to put your best foot forward and showcase your organization the best way possible. We would like to know the most interesting and noteworthy aspects of your organization. (Eg. ISO Certification, Government facilitations, noteworthy services, etc.)

For more details Contact
Mr. Dattatray Yanchewad
Mobile : +91 98230 09839
Email :
Apply for Nominations Now!

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