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Organiser : BOCI (Bus & Car Operators Confederation of India)

Bus & Car Operators Confederation of India is the apex organization of all the State Federations of private sector Bus & Car passenger Transport operators across India. BOCI represents eight important passenger Transport segments viz; Intercity, Intracity, School Transport, Employee Transport, Tour Operators, Taxi Cabs, Tourist Cabs and PPP-SPVs. We are also adding Critical & Emergency response service for the first time which is emerging as a major sector.

BOCI aims to promote Safe, Smart and Sustainable Integrated Passenger Mobility solutions to the citizens of India in close coordination with all the stake holders from public & private sectors.

The significance of BOCI can be measured by the fact that over 1.5 million buses are operated by its members today on Indian Roads and it is expected to grow rapidly in the coming years.

Event Curator : MM Activ Sci-Tech Communications

MM Activ Sci-Tech Communications is India's leading event curator in the field of frontier technologies. Since its inception in the year 2000, MM Activ has conceived an organised over 100 National and International conventions in sectors like IT & Electronics, Biotechnology, Agritechnology, Nanotechnology, Space Technology, Nutraceuticals, R&D and Higher Education, Sustainable Chemistry, Transport & Logistics, MRO, Renewable Energy, Water and Investments. MM Activ is also the publisher of leading business magazines like Bio Spectrum (Asia & India), NuFFooDS Spectrum (Asia & India) & Agro Spectrum.

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